Monday, September 24, 2012

What To Expect From The Disney College Program

          The other day I woke up to find my entire bathroom covered in vomit. This was after one of my roommates shit himself but before I watched a three year old pee into a bag while waiting in line to ride Soarin’. Let me back up. Before all of this, eight people from my apartment complex were terminated because they decided it would be a good idea to have an orgy in the Vista Way hot tub. I’m sorry, let’s go a little further back. The Disney College Program is magical. I’ve written several blogs (keep in mind, blogging is still totally hip) about Disney but this is the ultimate What To Expect When You’re Expecting Something Completely Different Blog.

                First of all, the application process for The Disney College Program is redonkulous. Applying for the CIA is easier than Disney. Believe me, I’ve applied for the CIA. They didn’t accept me because I was too well known with my blog getting at least 14 hits a day. So. After you apply you’ll get an e-mail saying that you’re an idiot or a phone call from a Disney Princess saying that you’ve moved on to the interview round. Then, after you’re phone interview you’ll get an e-mail saying that you’re an idiot or a Disney Princess will congratulate you for becoming a slave for a fortune 500 company.

                Don’t get me wrong. I love working here. I wouldn’t have done a second program if I didn’t. But I see a lot of people asking about the program on the Google and the Facebook and I am now performing my duty as a Disney slave to let all future CPs (college program students) know how this whole process works.

                So now you are one of the 6,000 that was accepted of over 60,000 applicants. Awesome! Feel good about yourself? Don’t! You are going to be working with some of the dumbest people you have ever met. Imagine working with the invalid from The Goonies, the invalid from Glee, and the invalid Nicholas Cage every day for four months. Imagine going to work and having these people as your bosses. You have now made a journey into your imagination. Welcome back. The Disney College Program website will tell you all of the things you should bring with you. The Disney College Program website fails to mention things like pillows, sheets, your fleshlight, and other essentials. Think of coming here like your freshman year at the dorms. You wouldn’t start your freshman year without your gravity bong would you?

                That brings me to the next topic of discussion. Termination. Don’t actually bring your gravity bong. And if you do, keep it in your car. And if you keep it in your car, use your That’s So Raven eyeball zoom to predict when the drug dogs come and sniff out the place. You can literally get fired for anything. ANYTHING. My roommate literally just got termed because he was deemed “too unstable.” Granted, he did act like an arthritic elephant nearing its final days but still. Just the other day two CPs got fired because they tried to ride the rides during magic hours with expired hotel key cards. If you get termed, you have basically 24 hours to pack up your shit, call your parents, and book a plane ticket home. Then, Disney leaves a card for you congratulating you on your experience!

                So you get to Orlando, you’re nervous, you have to go to someplace called Vista Way but it doesn’t really show up on your GPS, you’re probably overdressed and you’re probably gay. Most of the men who work at Disney are indeed homosexuals. Strangely enough, the company gets lots of Mormons as well… You’ll show up, see a lot of other kids your age, and you’ll spend the next two hours waiting in line getting your housing processed. It could be really boring but my favorite game to play is Spot The Closeted Kids! Or another good game is Spot The Unfortunate Girls Checking Out The Closeted Kids! It’s fun. While you’re standing in line, you will have the option to live in a 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartment in either Vista Way, Chatham, or Patterson. Vista is where the party’s at, Chatham has the biggest rooms, and Patterson is the nicest. If you’re reading this now, you’re probably thinking, “Well duh, I should pick Patterson.” Beware, the kids who do research like you’re doing now are probably antisocial, introverted, and gay. Everyone who lives in Vista didn’t do their research so they’re probably not-so-smart, really social, and gay.

Vista Way-



                After you unpack your things and meet your roommates, you get to stand in another line! You will be going to the Casting building to get all of your paper work filed and your work location. They say it lasts two hours. Expect four. I like to call this process the WE NOW OWN YOU process. They take your fingerprints, do a background check, photocopy your IDs, and probe your anus to test for a positive or negative reaction.

                Phew! Day one is over and you survived! Time to go home, get to know your roommates, and call your parents to say that everyone you live with seems pretty nice. Come three weeks you’ll be calling them crying because Brittany keeps accusing you of stealing her Pringles. In the next couple days, you’ll go to the All The Different Ways You Can Get Fired Meeting, Traditions (where they teach you the history of the company), and Discovery Day (where they tour you around the park and you finally find out what your role is). As I’m writing this, a four year old girl with a Jew fro is tap dancing next to me in Starbucks.

                Before we conclude, let’s wrap up this whole gay business. 80% of the men who work here are gay. Nearly all of the women are straight. It’s a sad, sad world for the girls here; surrounded by princes who are only interested in other princes. If you are straight and a boy, you are in luck. With just these two features alone, you can save seven dollars on your Axe Body Spray. Imagine throwing thirty female cats in heat in one box and then adding two male cats. One of the boy kitties is impregnating all of them and the other boy kitty is clinging to the top of the box saying, “Icky.” People come to Disney to come out. They may not know it yet, but when Darth Maul gives Tigger sex eyes in the changing rooms, you can bet that they will be overcome by the Dark Side.

                 What can we learn from today’s lesson? Brittany is bitch. All you need to do is call housing and tell them that she keeps talking about how she wants to kill herself. They’ll fire her because they don’t want to deal with hassle of a death and they’ll say that, “she clearly isn’t happy here and needs professional help.” Then, before she leaves, steal her fucking Pringles. 


  1. Omfg, I love you. Hahahahahahah I'm a straight normal girl and I was soo worried I was gonna be surrounded by crazy weird people. But hopefully more of guys like you will be there.

  2. I'm literally crying from laughter right now.

  3. Does Disney do hair or urine drug test?

    1. Nope. Too expensive. So you roll on that goo shit.

    2. If you are a lifeguard I know they do, not sure what other roles.

    3. I'm a Disney lifeguard and they WILL drug test you! My merch, front desk, and food & bev friends were NOT drug tested

    4. Attractions, Transpiration, and Rec do too! Anything with Safety critical positions you have to.

    5. which test do they use.. hair or urine?

    6. I did main entrance ops last fall they did a urine test

    7. I have done attractions and they do not drug test. They might for like Kilimanjaro Safaris for driving. They do for parking (driving the trams). They really should drug test because like half the people who work with me def smoke weed.

    8. What type of test are they looking for?
      I take muscle relaxants and don't want them making my drug test positive

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I know many people who worked for Dizzy World over the years from Park Slaves up to the Entertainment Dept. Its funny reading this even though I have heard simular from others. What ya didnt mention is that Britney had already decided if she didnt like it there she would claim others tried to steal her fucking Pringles & complain about everything just so she could "Go Home" without quiting her job.

  6. I'm pending at the moment but I'm praying I get accepted. I'm really into the party/club scene and I heard Vista is good for that, but are they weird? I'm not really geeky or nerdy, and I don't have a prob with people like that! But I know more than likely we won't have the same interests.

    So for the more chill, laid-back, party-loving cool kids, where should I stay? lmao

  7. I know you said that they didn't stung test, so do they just have you sign that paper for their legal purposes?

  8. Whoever you are, I really enjoyed this post. Im going to be doing merch for fall 2014. Do you know the best way to look for roomates. I don't want to post in the group because it seems kind of desperate but I also don't want to be stuck with a huge herb.

    1. You really have to just hope for the best. I slept over at my neighbors almost every night. Smoke a j every so often in the Mary Queen of the Universe parking lot and you'll be good to go.

    2. If you need a supplier.... (did 2012/2013 CP and still here in Orlando!)

  9. Just got out of my program in Jan. All of this is 100000% accurate.

  10. Hahahaha omg 100%. There's always gotta be that one psycho room mate that accuses you of everything (and let me tell you, Brittany is definitely a bitch).

    If one wants to relive the Salem witch trials, call housing about anything.

  11. As a previous ICP (Disney kid from a country other than the US of A) I'd like to add that your visa is dependent on Disney. So, if you get termed, you get deported. You have 24 extra hours to leave the country, making 48 in total. Just another bit of the Disney magic!

  12. I was a previous ICP( From Canada) and this is fucking golden. I lived in Vista Way and it was amazing, although a little bit on the ghetto side compared to the other complexes, but it was the life of all three. Everything you wrote is so true, easily the best summer I've had though.

  13. I have done 4 programs so far... I am actually here right now and everything ypu said is true. And YES they do Drug Test to Lifeguards and Park Operations (attractions, park entrance and transportation)

  14. I didn't realize how many guys I worked with were bisexual or gay until after my Program ended. It was disappointing to see how many encounters I missed.

  15. The Commons is actually open now too for non ICPS

    1. Me and my roommates were the first Americans to live in Commons, but it was awkward because we were the only Americans in that complex it seemed like. ICPs rarely talked to us and we sure as hell couldnt understand them

    2. A lot of ICPs seemed to have their own cliques, so I can imagine. Not ALL because I definitely made a lot of international friends. But damn, some of them were intimidating.

  16. I'm dying, hahaha very over-dramtic but very hilarious. best time of my life.... and that's coming from a straight girl :)

  17. Im wonderimg how many people who commented on this and.have done the college program have been termed.

  18. So is it against the rules to have sex there?

    1. Not at all. As long as it doesn't affect your work life, and does not bother your roommates or neighbors, you can have as much sex as you'd like.

  19. never was a cp but still an employee. glad the gay guys aren't after me. i would just walk away if any of them tried to hit on me. but ill be gone soon. marine corps here i come. this made me laugh too

    1. I think you're way more likely to have "gay guys after you" in the marine corps.

  20. Ryan B - Fall 2011 Vista WaySeptember 5, 2014 at 8:17 AM

    Ah yes, Vista Way, make sure you check out Makos downtown, there is a party bus that will take you down there every Thursday. And prepare for the biggest congregation of horny college students in the world. If you are a straight guy and somewhat decent looking and can't tag at least a few girls, then you might be gay. Just saying....

    1. Ryan B - Fall 2011 Vista WaySeptember 5, 2014 at 8:23 AM

      Also they do fire 30-40 people every single week. They will term you for literally the most retarded reasons. I was fired after I called in for a personal day and went to downtown Disney house of blues, was literally there for 15 minutes before I left. Came to work the next day, my manager asked if I had been there the night before, I guess he spotted me, and I said yes thinking nothing of it. Three days later I was gone. I actually tried to fight it and got pretty close to staying but was eventually sent home as a result of a bunch of bureaucratic bull shit.

  21. The Vista Way address is
    13501 Meadow Creek Drive
    Orlando, FL

  22. What kinds of things do they ask you in the phone interview?

  23. this is beautiful. Just got accepted for fall and every blog i've read so far is fairy dust and bull shit. This blog post was sent to me by the turn up gods. If anyone has found similar CP posts like this help a girl out.

  24. hey guys, so i was accepted to the 2016 Spring Program! yay! so there's only one doubt i am having, i am a total pot head. judge me if you want I DO NOT CARE, i have heard it all and i am okay with anyone thinking im a "lowlife, addict, etc." My question is, as a Main Entrance Operations cast member, what are the odds that i will get drug tested? any help please.

  25. Disney drug tests everyone. I am a 49 year old lawyer, who regrets not applying when they advertised this at Brandeis in the 1980s. I have a friend who got a GREAT position with Disney as in house counsel. Top pay and benefits, and impossible to get fired. But they drug tested him. He had to go and was there with a bunch of 18 year old food service applicants and other executives.

  26. Great post. Does anyone know about drug testing for security personnel not in the CP?? Hair, Urine, Swab? Is this done at on boarding?

  27. It's SUPER refreshing to read some REAL feedback on DCP. Applying for Fall Advantage 2017. Hoping I won't get drug tested but imma make a temporary lifestyle change just to be safe. As of 2016, is Vista Way still the life of the party? Is it worth staying there if I wana go out during my spare time and make crazy friends who have the same bad habits as I do? PS: What's the deal about cigarettes? Smoke in your own time? Off premises? During breaks? Thanks all, I appreciate it :)

  28. if I fail the pre-employment drug test, will they fire me from the dcp right off the bat????
